Simpicity Timer

Simpicity Timer

Simplicity timer description


  • Timer may be programmed without any external device
  • Timer may be programmed with Windows PC or iPhone or Android phone
  • 5 commands expandable to 7
  • Timer is operated by 3 buttons - WAKE, SET and LAUNCH
  • Battery Switch saves the battery and allows for re-boot
  • Sound and Green/Red light indicate Timer state
  • You do not have to think of switching off the Timer – it does it for you
  • Built in Radio DT
  • Built in Charger
  • 15 gram total weight including 240 MaH LiPo battery and start button
  • Many more features


1. Preparation for flight

  • Click WAKE. Timer sounds and blinks with LED the DT time and goes to waiting for launch mode
  • Push down wire arms and click SET (you do not have to wait for DT sounds to finish - just go ahead and click SET). Cam moves back halfway (to position 8)
  • Push down delay wire and click SET again. Cam moves back all the way (to position 9 - ready for flight)
  • Timer shuts down
  • Click WAKE. Timer sounds and blinks with LED the DT time and goes to waiting for launch mode
  • Push down wire arms and click SET (you do not have to wait for DT sounds to finish – just go ahead and click SET). Cam moves back halfway (to position 8)
  • Push down delay wire and click SET again. Cam moves back all the way (to position 9 – ready for flight)
Timer shuts down

2. Launching

  • Click WAKE. Timer sounds and blinks with LED the DT time and goes to waiting for launch mode. Timer shuts down in 30 minutes if you do not launch the model
  • If the battery voltage is less than 3.6 volts, alarm will sound
  • Press and hold LAUNCH (you do not have to wait for DT sounds to finish – just go ahead and press LAUNCH). Buzzer sounds continuously. Green light is on
  • Launch the model. Timer starts the moment you release LAUNCH
  • If you decide not to fly, press and hold WAKE for more than 2 seconds. Timer shuts down
  • After the flight Timer shuts down

3. Changing DT time


  • Press and hold LAUNCH, click WAKE, release LAUNCH
  • Click SET as many times as the minutes you want. To enter 0 do not click it at all
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Click SET as many times as the tens of seconds you want
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Click SET as many times as the seconds you want
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Timer stores the new DT time and shuts down. You can check a new DT time - just click WAKE


4. Battery Switch operation


  • Charge the battery with the switch ON. Battery is disconnected and will not charge with switch OFF
  • Switch enables power to the timer as well as to GPS or radio beacon
  • Leave the Switch ON between the rounds. GPS systems use a lot of power to acquire a signal, so switching OFF between rounds will not save battery life
  • As any computer, timer may sometimes hang up. Switch timer OFF and then ON to re-start


5. Changing time of other commands

  • Press and hold LAUNCH, click WAKE, continue to hold LAUNCH
  • Click SET as many times as a number of the command you want to edit. Release LAUNCH. Timer sounds three digit value of the time. Refer to 6. Time data format
  • After listening to the current value you can enter new time. Timer shuts down if you do not start entering for 10 seconds
  • Click SET a number of times to enter first digit. To enter 0 do not click it at all
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Click SET a number of times to enter second digit
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Click SET a number of times to enter third digit
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Timer stores the new time and shuts down. You can check a new time – repeat the first two actions of this section and listen to the Timer. Timer shuts down if you do not start entering for 10 seconds

12. Quick simulation mode


  • Click WAKE. Timer sounds and blinks with LED the DT time and goes to waiting for launch mode
  • Press and hold LAUNCH (you do not have to wait for DT sounds to finish - just go ahead and press LAUNCH). Buzzer sounds continuously. Green light is on
  • Click WAKE three times
  • Timer goes through the flight sequence with 2 seconds interval. You can check operation of your model's mechanics
  • Timer shuts down


13. Servo position explanation


  • Timer operates one servo and moves it to 9 programmable positions
  • You can program time and position for commands 1 - 7 independently
  • You can program positions 8 and 9 independently
  • Servo goes to position 1 after the command 1 is executed
  • Servo goes to position 2 after the command 2 is executed
  • Servo goes to position 3 after the command 3 is executed
  • Servo goes to position 4 after the command 4 is executed
  • Servo goes to position 5 after the command 5 is executed
  • Servo goes to position 6 after the command 6 is executed
  • Servo goes to position 7 after the DT command is executed
  • Servo position 8 is FLIGHT PREPARATION (see 1. Preparation for flight)
  • Servo position 9 is READY FOR FLIGHT (see 1. Preparation for flight)
  • Each time and Servo position is defined by 3-digit number. To edit any value you need to enter the edit mode for this particular number and then enter the three digit number. You can edit one value at a time


15. Changing Servo positions

  • Press and hold SET, click WAKE, continue to hold SET
  • Click LAUNCH as many times as a number of the position you want to edit. Release SET. Timer sounds three digit value of the Servo position. Refer to 14. Servo position data format
  • After listening to the current value you can enter new Servo position. Timer shuts down if you do not start entering for 10 seconds
  • Click SET a number of times to enter first digit. To enter 0 do not click it at all
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Click SET a number of times to enter second digit
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Click SET a number of times to enter third digit
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Timer stores the new Servo position and shuts down. You can check a new Servo position value – repeat the first two actions of this section and listen to the Timer. Timer shuts down if you do not start entering for 10 seconds

17. Servo calibration

  • This operation usually done at the factory. Recommended for advanced users only
  • Press and hold LAUNCH and SET, click WAKE, continue to hold LAUNCH and SET for 2 seconds
  • Click WAKE three times while holding LAUNCH and SET
  • Release LAUNCH and SET. Timer goes to position 9 (ready for flight)
  • Click WAKE to move disc back or SET to move disc forward to adjust position 9 (ready for flight)
  • Click LAUNCH. Timer goes to position 7 (DT)
  • Click WAKE to move disc back or SET to move disc forward to adjust position 7 (DT)
  • Click LAUNCH. Timer stores the new positions and shuts down
  • These new positions are not changed on Reset to factory defaults

18. Ringing-Blinking mode


The Timer may also be set to "Ringing-Blinking" stand-by mode. This means after DT the radio receiver will stay active waiting for the signal. You can click any Radio DT Transmitter button and Timer will give you sound and light signals for 10 seconds. Timer will stay in Ringing-Blinking mode till the battery goes to protected mode. If the battery is fully charged it is about 3 weeks. By default this mode is off to save battery. Activate this mode if the model may land into the woods or a corn field

19. Switching the Ringing-Blinking on and off


  • Press and hold LAUNCH and SET, click WAKE, continue to hold LAUNCH and SET for 2 seconds, release SET
  • Click SET two times
  • Release LAUNCH
  • Timer switches on Ringing/Blinking mode and shuts down. After DT Timer flashes Red light every 5 seconds to indicate this mode is enabled
  • To switch Ringing/Blinking mode off repeat all actions in this section once more


20. Enter Radio DT Code


  • Press and hold LAUNCH and SET, click WAKE, continue to hold LAUNCH and SET for 2 seconds, release SET
  • Click SET five times
  • Release LAUNCH
  • Click SET a number of times to enter first digit or letter. To enter 0 do not click it at all
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Click SET a number of times to enter second digit or letter
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Click SET a number of times to enter third digit or letter
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Click SET a number of times to enter fourth digit or letter
  • Click LAUNCH
  • Timer stores the new Radio DT Code and shuts down
  • To check if you enter the correct Code, start the Timer into the flight mode and try to operate Radio DT transmitter. If Radio DT works, the Code is correct
  • To enter digits click SET as many times. To enter letters continue to click SET. For example, to enter A click SET 10 times, to enter F click SET 15 times


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

21. Power management

GPS consumes way more power than Timer and Blinker 

  • Fully charged 240 mAh battery is good for about:
    • 80 three-minute flights with only timer
    • 20 flights with blinker enabled
    • 3-6 flights with blinker enabled and GPS
  • Battery has a dedicated protection circuit. It cuts off the battery when the voltage goes below 3 volts. The Battery is safe for more than 1 year in protected mode. Timer does not operate if the battery is in protected mode. However as soon as you connect the cable, charging begins
  • Timer shuts off automatically after some time of inactivity
  • Waiting for launch mode - Timer shuts down in 30 minutes
  • Timer shuts down if you do not start entering new time or Servo position value for 10 seconds
  • Timer will stay in Ringing-Blinking stand-by mode till the battery is discharged and goes to protected mode. Fully charged battery will last for few weeks. However, with GPS it is only few hours.
  • In all other cases Timer shuts down after 1 minute of inactivity
  • Charge the battery if you did not use a Timer for a few weeks. Timer draws a small current (about 0.00015A) even if it is shut off. This discharges the battery to 3 volts in 8-10 weeks and the battery protection circuit will go to protected mode. It is safe for the battery
  • Timer uses 25 mA when the servo is not moving and no sound
  • Timer uses 40 mA when the servo is moving and no sound
  • Timer uses 90 mA when Buzzer sounds and the servo is not moving
  • Timer uses average 0.25 mA in Ringing-Blinking stand-by mode


25. Launching PC program


  • You can download Altimeter information to any computer with Windows.
  • PC program can be found here:
  • Download Simplicity Dashboard. This is ZIP archive containing two files
  • Unzip and put these two files in the same folder on your computer
  • Your PC may already have all necessary drivers. If not, you may find them in the same place
  • Double click on Simplicity Dashboard.exe to start the program. 


29. Tabs

  • You can see 3 tabs in the Dashboard window
  • "Graph" tab shows all flights graphs
  • "Data" tab shows individual flight data and graphs
  • “Settings” tab allows you to program the timer and read back timer settings

30. Working with Altimeter data in "Graph" tab


  • You can see all flights graphs
  • Check or un-check the flights
  • You can also right-click on the flight number and select Hide. This way you can hide non-important flights. They remain hidden when you save and open file. Click Show hidden to see all


39 Switching blinker on and off


  1. Press and hold LAUNCH and SET, click WAKE, continue to hold LAUNCH and SET for 2 seconds, release SET
  2. Click SET three times
  3. Release LAUNCH
  4. Timer switches on Blinker and shuts down.
  5. To switch Blinker off repeat all actions in this section once more
  6.  You can switch Blinker on in flight. Green button on Companion extends flight time by 2 minutes and switches Blinker on.

Contact us

Alexander Andriukov

14501 Akker Ct.

Gainesville, VA, 20155 USA

Tel: 1-805-404-2050


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